Tips for Landing Pages (from Marketing Sherpa)

Here is some free information for you internet marketers that most people have to pay a lot of money for!!!

As any internet marketer knows, a very useful resource/newsletter is the Marketing Sherpa. They recently put out a "Landing Page Handbook" study that was excellent.

I have access to this guide and made notes as I read the whole thing. It is amazing that even though the guide was meant directly for landing pages off of promotions and similar things, the concepts discussed can actually be applied to internet marketing in general. Most of these tips will also relate directly to reverse marketing concepts applied to eCommerce and internet marketing. So here are a few notes to begin with from this $250 guide:

Tip #1- The outbound campaign driving prospects into your landing page is relatively unimportant compared to what the actual landing page asks them to do.

Tip #2- At least 50% of viewers to your landing page will decide with a quick glance (usually within 8 sec.) whether your page is the one they want to be at or not.

Tip #3- One major problem and misunderstanding is that your landing page can accomplish multiple goals to multiple targets- this is FALSE! Only have one goal, with one purpose focused on one target group.

Tip #3- The single most important part of your landing page?.... (this tip is to come with my next post)

I will continue to post my notes from this guide for those who care to take advantage of it. Let me know what you think about these tips and/or related articles.